How to prepare for entrance exams

How to prepare for entrance exams
How to prepare for entrance exams

Video: How to Crack Competitive Exams Without Coaching | 7 Secret Study Tips for Competitive Exam |ChetChat 2024, July

Video: How to Crack Competitive Exams Without Coaching | 7 Secret Study Tips for Competitive Exam |ChetChat 2024, July

In order to enter the institute, it is necessary to successfully pass the entrance examinations. How to prepare for exams at a university in order to pass them with a positive result?

Instruction manual


Start attending preparatory courses for the institute you are going to attend. Despite the fact that courses are not cheap, the result will not be long in coming. As a rule, such courses are taught by teachers who are staff of the institute. They will prepare you precisely for those tasks that will be at the entrance exams of this university. Do not skip attending courses, otherwise you risk not passing the test. The number of visit days depends on how much time is left before the entrance exams. If the deadlines are running out, be prepared that you will have to spend several evenings a week and one day off to prepare for exams. If you started your training in advance, then maybe a couple of days a week, as a rule, in the evenings.


If your budget allows, hire a tutor. Best of all, if you can agree with one of the teachers of the university you want to go to. He will individually explain in an accessible language how to solve certain tasks and examples. You will be able to ask him questions that are incomprehensible to you, for which you will receive intelligible and intelligible answers. Also, such a teacher knows better the program of his university and "slippery spots" in entrance exams. He can tell you about them, which will greatly increase your chances of enrolling in students.


Prepare yourself for the entrance exams. To do this, you will need the methodological recommendations of the university, in which you decided to take exams and its collection of tasks. As a rule, each institute has an archive of those tasks and examples that were on the entrance exams of past years. The institute prints them in the form of small brochures, which can be purchased for a small fee within the walls of the institute itself. Your task is to find and buy such a collection. To pass the exams you need to solve all the tasks that you find in it.