How to prepare and conduct an open lesson

How to prepare and conduct an open lesson
How to prepare and conduct an open lesson

For each teacher, regardless of experience and work experience, an open lesson is a responsible and exciting event. The results and conclusions of the commission, as well as whether the goal for which the lesson was held, will largely depend on how this event will take place.

Instruction manual


Conducting an open lesson has different goals: certification, control, self-realization, introducing a new teaching methodology, and a master class.


By level of presentation - this may be a lesson.

- for school colleagues (dissemination of experience, lesson in the framework of any long-term event, for example, a subject week), - for the administration of the institution (for the purpose of monitoring or summarizing to compile, for example, a presentation to the teacher for certification), - at the district level (presentation of a new methodology or teaching element, also the dissemination of experience), - at the regional level and above. Some competitions in the field of education also include an open lesson, as an element or main event.


However, for whatever purpose an open lesson is held, work on it begins with the definition of the main tasks that contribute to the achievement of the goal, and accordingly the detailed development of the lesson.


Equally important is the visual design of the lesson. Well-chosen pictures, posters, presentations will bring variety and brightness not only to the design, but also to the process of the event.


All materials that are planned to be used in the lesson should be developed, or selected at the preparatory stage, have an aesthetic appearance, correspond to the topic, be in sufficient quantity and be at hand. The equipment is installed in such a way that there is no interference when using it for either the teacher or students, in compliance with safety rules.


Beforehand, before conducting an open lesson, guests can be handed out small booklets explaining the main stages of the lesson. This technique is good for presentation at the district level and above, when their number is known initially.


Starting the lesson, the teacher must clearly present the purpose of the lesson, its objectives, relevance and planned outcome. The latter (result) in some cases is not explained. For example, if the form of the lesson involves research, solving a specific problem, developing something, that is, if the result should be some discovery for students.


At the end of the lesson, it is necessary to draw a clear summary, announce the results of the work, explain certain points, and thank the participants.