How to write a training

How to write a training
How to write a training

Video: Teaching & Writing Tips : How to Write a Training Plan 2024, July

Video: Teaching & Writing Tips : How to Write a Training Plan 2024, July

Training is a group lesson aimed at the formation and development of desired skills. This is an interactive form of learning. Therefore, in the design and organization of training sessions, the main attention is paid to the formation of conditions for practice.

Instruction manual


Having decided on the topic of the training, choose a concise and vivid name for it. You can call it simply “Training in sales skills, ” or you can formulate it more artistically: “How to sell an elephant”, for example, the authorship of this wording belongs to A. Barysheva.


List the goals of the training. They should reflect the desired result of classes. Use formulations that begin with the words: teach, form, create the conditions for formation, learn to apply, work out, consolidate, etc.


Designate tasks. These are the actions that you need to perform during classes to achieve goals. For example, when compiling a cognitive training for children, you will need to indicate as tasks the execution of individual exercises and games to develop memory, attention, thinking, keeping diaries or workbooks, etc.


Make up the rules of the working group with which you will introduce the participants at the beginning of the work. They will regulate the behavior of group members, their communication and interaction. The rules should be clearly and concisely formulated, their number should not exceed 10, which will ensure their memorization.


Choose exercises that meet your goals and help you build the right skills. It will also require additional games aimed at improving the work of the group: warm-up, attention-shifting, rallying, etc.


Compose all tasks so that they do not cause fatigue, support the interest of participants, use different channels of perception. Alternate different types of work: individual and group, or active and passive. At the end of each exercise, invite participants to reflect on it, exchange views so that it is possible to adjust their own actions.


Choose the means by which you will measure the level of development of skills at the beginning and at the end of classes. What will be an indicator, a criterion for the success of participants? Plan time for class discussion, group analysis of your behavioral strategies, organizational issues, and parting rituals.