How to write a research paper

How to write a research paper
How to write a research paper

Video: My Step by Step Guide to Writing a Research Paper 2024, July

Video: My Step by Step Guide to Writing a Research Paper 2024, July

If you are interested in getting to the bottom of things, trying to understand, analyze some natural phenomenon or discover something new yourself, then you thought about how to properly format the results of the study.

Instruction manual


It is very important to choose and formulate a research topic. Do not take too broad questions to study. For example, if you want to analyze the creative activity of a certain author, then stop either at one particular life stage or thoroughly study the history of the creation of a particular work. The supervisor should help you with your topic selection.


Next, discuss the amount of work with the supervisor. It varies depending on its level of difficulty. For example, the volume of work of a student for speaking at a scientific and practical conference should be twenty to thirty sheets of printed text, but in a graduation paper up to a hundred printed sheets are possible.


Get familiar with previous research in the area in which you are studying a particular issue. Compare these materials with your data and draw a conclusion.


Design begins with a title page, which reflects the level of work. For example: "City Local Lore Olympiad". On the title page indicate the name of the section and work, as well as the name, surname, middle name of the author and supervisor.


Next, draw up the contents of the work. This is a kind of plan in which the names and sequence of its parts are indicated. Be sure to number the pages.


Be sure to indicate the purpose of the work and the tasks necessary to achieve it.


Any research work contains an introduction. It should comment on the choice of topic, emphasize the relevance of these discoveries, outline further possible ways of their application.


In the main part, which in turn can consist of several components, the intermediate results of the study are surely given, the experiments or observations made by you are described, and preliminary conclusions are made. In it, you should reflect the methods that you used to get the results.


Keep in mind that a prerequisite for any research work is a logical, consistent arrangement of parts, as well as your own discoveries and deep conclusions with evidence.


In conclusion, you need to summarize your work, pointing out the merits and outlining further actions in this direction.


A prerequisite for scientific work is a list of used literature, i.e. sources.

Numeral Writing Rules