How to retake the exam in traffic police

How to retake the exam in traffic police
How to retake the exam in traffic police

Video: ROBLOX Vancouver Police | How To Become a Police Officer Tutorial! 2024, July

Video: ROBLOX Vancouver Police | How To Become a Police Officer Tutorial! 2024, July

The test for the right to drive a car obeys the first time by no means everyone. Therefore, do not be discouraged if a retake is coming, but prepare for it in such a way as to surrender for sure.

You will need

  • - exam tickets;

  • - a computer with internet access;

  • - A few additional driving lessons;

Instruction manual


Sign up for a retake. If you are renting with a driving school, you need to register directly in it, but if you are renting it yourself, in the department of the traffic police in which you started to take it. A retake is prescribed no earlier than a week later, so you will have time to adequately prepare.


If the first time you failed to pass the theoretical section, repeat the tickets again. It’s optimal to repeat them according to the current collection of tickets, since tests on-line do not always contain updated questions.


To be ready to retake a racetrack or city driving, take a few extra driving lessons. You can arrange with the instructor who has already been trained, or find a private instructor through the Internet or through friends. Ask the instructor to work with you the elements that cause you difficulty. How many such classes will be needed - judge for yourself: it is difficult to overdo it with training.


The day before the retake, try not to be nervous. Tune in to a good exam outcome. Do not go to bed too late, because exams usually start early in the morning, and a broken condition does not contribute to a successful passing. If you are so worried that you cannot fall asleep, you can drink a little sedative based on herbs. Strong drugs are not recommended in this situation, because their use can dull attention and slow down the reaction.


In the morning before the retake, do not forget to have breakfast or grab some food on the way to the traffic police department. Typically, an exam takes more than one hour, and it’s not possible to go away to satisfy your hunger - you can be called for change at any time.


If at a driving school you are forced to take the required driving hours to register for a retake, then you can always refuse their services and take exams yourself. Such claims by the driving school have no legal basis.

Useful advice

The main thing is to keep calm during the retake. Don't let emotions ruin your exam. Calm and attentiveness is the key to success when passing the exam for a driver’s license.

  • Official website of the traffic police
  • how to retake driving