How to celebrate a birthday at school

How to celebrate a birthday at school
How to celebrate a birthday at school

Video: How to Celebrate Birthdays in the Classroom - Free Printable Banner! 2024, July

Video: How to Celebrate Birthdays in the Classroom - Free Printable Banner! 2024, July

Birthday is a big event in the life of a child. You can mark it not only at home, but also at school, where children spend most of their time. It is only necessary to think over and organize a celebration so that it will be remembered for a long time by birthday men and their classmates.

Instruction manual


The class does not have the opportunity to celebrate the birthday of each student individually, so they usually group birthday people in groups and celebrate “Birthday Day” four times a year. They congratulate children born in the fall (September, October, November), winter (December, January, February), spring (March, April, May) and summer (June, July, August).


They arrange "Birthday Day", usually after school and on the eve of the weekend. Be sure to decorate the class with garlands and balloons. To instruct a group of students to issue a wall newspaper with friendly cartoons, unusual photographs and collages, as well as wishes and congratulations for the birthday.


Consider a holiday program in advance. Now it is possible through agencies to invite professional animators with entertaining children's shows. If such cash expenses are not planned by the parent committee, then it doesn’t matter. Children are interested in preparing the holiday themselves.


It is not necessary to strictly adhere to the sequence of entertainment events. You can turn a holiday into a kind of game. Make a flower-semitsvetik from whatman paper, on each petal of which write a pre-thought out program of the festival. For example, on one petal cat Matroskin offers to watch a cartoon, on the other - Pinocchio invites you to a puppet show, and on the third - Carlson calls for refreshment, etc. Tearing off the petals, birthday people determine the course of the holiday.


You can use the ready-tested script, in which questions, competitions, games and quizzes are selected. And you can spend "Birthday Day" without a script, just play charades and fantasies, make riddles, sing and dance. The main thing at such a holiday is a cheerful and joyful atmosphere.


"Birthday" at school, like home birthday, can not do without a festive table. Usually birthday people bring refreshments from home, and after classes the whole class sets the tables. The menu for "Birthday Day" should not be plentiful. The most rational are various fruits (bananas, apples, tangerines), cookies, waffles, sweets and juices. Do not forget to buy disposable tableware, napkins and garbage bags. After all, after the holiday it will be necessary to put the class in order.

  • How to celebrate a birthday. Scenarios
  • birthday at school