How to know Russian well

How to know Russian well
How to know Russian well

Video: How long does it take to learn Russian? 2024, July

Video: How long does it take to learn Russian? 2024, July

The Russian language is great and powerful, rich and beautiful. However, having far from the most complex grammatical system, due to its history and thousands of all kinds of exceptions to the rules, due to its incredible variability, it is sometimes impossible even for those for whom this language is native.

You will need

Reference books and dictionaries in the Russian language, classic literary texts, tests in the Russian language.

Instruction manual


Learning the Russian language does not begin at school or even at kindergarten. Parents - these are the people who lay the foundation of language skills in a child. There is a huge difference between a person whose parents speak pure Russian, with a good pronunciation, without an abundance of parasitic words in speech, and a person in whose family the picture is opposite. They can always be distinguished - and at five, and at fifteen, and at fifty - by their speech. Of course, there are exceptions to any rule. After all, not everyone is born in a family of philologists, and not everyone has a linguistic sense of development from infancy. In this case, constant work on yourself will help.


Conscious work on oneself is possible already at a more or less conscious age. To help in language development and ensure language competence is the task of school education. The knowledge that is given in school is basic knowledge adapted for the middle school student, and not at all sky-high. That is why if you want to know Russian perfectly, always try to know the “excellent” school curriculum. There is nothing superfluous in it, even if it seems so to you.


But what if you have already finished school, and language skills can still not be called excellent? Either higher philological education or individual work will help here. In the first case, everything is more or less clear. At the Faculty of Philology, if you are responsible for studying, you will certainly master, if not excellent knowledge of the Russian language, then very good at least. If you are studying individually, then it is worth studying the manuals on the subject "Russian language and culture of speech." Just be sure to use a quality publication approved by experts.


Among other things, there are some tips that will help you improve your language, regardless of which family you are from, what kind of education you are and how old you are. First, read as much as possible. Basically, classic works - domestic and foreign authors. Do not forget to look up the meanings of unfamiliar words in the dictionary - at school, such a request from teachers seems boring, but in fact it develops erudition very much. Often refer to dictionaries, especially academic orthoepic ones, the very one that still retains its classical pronunciation without taking into account modern indulgences of the Ministry of Education. Even if you graduated from high school a long time, sometimes try to solve tests in Russian for high school and test yourself - you suddenly forgot some rule. And try, communicating with different people, to notice, but not to borrow from them certain speech errors.

Useful advice

If you want your child to know Russian very well, carefully read the first step. Try to always speak correctly with the child, let him read good literature, do not forget about folk songs, rhymes, proverbs and sayings, engage in the versatile language development of the child from his very birth to make his life easier in the future.