How to describe your room

How to describe your room
How to describe your room

Video: Descriptive Text: My Bedroom 2024, July

Video: Descriptive Text: My Bedroom 2024, July

Describe your room - one of the most popular assignments in the lessons of the Russian language, a foreign language, in creative circles. To create texts of this kind, there is a distinct scheme that can be supplemented with details.

Instruction manual


There are three levels, three optical focuses, with which you can see and describe the room - macro level, intermediate and micro level. At each level, the text is saturated with epithets, metaphors and comparisons, as well as some logical conclusions and conclusions. First of all, you need to give a general idea of ​​the room, indicate the size, illumination, location relative to the cardinal points and even the temperature at the level of personal sensations. Consider examples. "This is a spacious room with windows facing east, so it is always warm and sunny in the morning." "And this is a basement, a tiny closet with concrete floor and dirty walls covered with indecent inscriptions. The air smells of mold. Even in summer it is cold and damp."


At an average level, a description of furniture and medium-sized items is given. First comes a general description - the furniture is light or bulky, old or new, light or dark. Then it is described in a little more detail. “The old dark-wood bookcase draws the most attention. Its gilded handles are rubbed and the doors creak, but it still seems impressive and solid, like an old general in a parade.” In this part of the text, you can specify color spots that create a special the color of the room. "A carpet with deer is traditional for many generations of Soviet apartments, and a woven rug in red and white stripes is lying on the floor." “In this room as white as mountain snow, only one detail stands out - a giant photograph with orange tropical flowers.” It’s important not to forget to describe the window. "This is a modern plastic window with shutters and a mosquito net. It seems a little boring, but new and practical." "Here is a tiny dirty window through which the glass barely penetrates sunlight."


Describing the room, the author describes the character of its owner or permanent resident. This is why it is important to indicate the favorite and most habitable place in the room. "An old rocking chair is standing by the window. The blue plush cloak is a little rubbed, but the chair seems durable and very cozy. How nice it would be to sit in it with a book!" "On the floor, under the battery, lies an old dirty mattress. It smells so bad that it is impossible to approach him without a gas mask. Apparently, this doesn’t bother his master at all." Micro details - photos on the wall, medicines on the windowsill, a basket with needlework, expensive shoes by the bed. All this also deserves a detailed description.


Reasoning is a necessary element of any description. But it is important to maintain balance. Describing the room, the author of the text creates analytical material for his reader. There is no need to explain why the owner of this room is an old gloomy bachelor or a pretty coquette. The reader must understand this himself from the description of the room.

Useful advice

Epithets, comparisons and metaphors will make the story detailed, convex and more fun. To create a unique creative work, it makes sense to delve into the texts of classics. Detailed descriptions of living quarters can be found at Turgenev, Goncharov, Dostoevsky.

how to describe the room in English