How to draw up an abstract correctly

How to draw up an abstract correctly
How to draw up an abstract correctly

Video: How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper 2024, July

Video: How to Write an Abstract for a Research Paper 2024, July

Abstract - a short report reflecting and summarizing the various views of the authors on a given topic. Its purpose is to demonstrate the student’s knowledge on this issue, the skills of analysis and integration of information obtained. Extensive argumentation, accuracy, conciseness and clarity of presentation are also welcome. It is better to use several different sources for self-collection and study of data, but not less than four. In addition to the features of the content side of the work, there are some requirements for its design.

Instruction manual


The design of the abstract, like any document, is subject to GOST.

The volume of written work can be from 5 to 40 pages, but an average of 10 - 25 pages. When using Word, select A4 sheet, margin size: 30 mm left edge, 10 mm right, 20 mm top and bottom.


Font - Times New Roman, 12-14 points, 16 - for headings, one and a half line spacing.


One-sided printing.

Indentation from headings and paragraphs on average should be three intervals.

All chapters and main sections begin on a new page.

Numbering through or page, the title page is considered, but not numbered.


It is recommended to adhere to the standard structure of the abstract.


Title page.

At the top of the page is the full name of the institution.

In the center, his theme is written without quotes, then the type of work ("Abstract") and on what subject.

Below with a shift to the right is the student's data (full name, class), after - data of the head, consultant (full name, position). The city is indicated at the very bottom and the year below it, without the letter "g".


Table of contents. All sections and subsections and page numbers are indicated here.


The introduction usually takes no more than two pages, and reflects the purpose of the work and the relevance of the subject.


The main part is 12-15 pages, at the discretion of the author. And it contains voluminous calculations on the material collected as part of this question, its generalization, the author’s personal considerations and preliminary conclusions.


Headings of chapters and paragraphs are numbered, but the words "chapter" and "paragraph" are not written.

If there are tables, they are numbered and arranged in the text sequentially. The "Table" and the number are written on the top right, the name is placed under the table.

The same goes for diagrams and drawings.


Graphic material is best submitted as a separate application after a list of references.

Links to the work of various authors are welcome.

Footnotes can be paginated or trailing, but all of the same kind.


The conclusion should be concise (1-2 pages), logically arising from the above arguments and reasoning, and contain final conclusions and concepts.


Bibliography. Sources indicate in the order of their importance and authority. It is desirable that these be modern works, less often - ancient ones that have not lost their significance.

Useful advice

However, it is important not only to draw up the abstract correctly, but also to present it to the audience with dignity. Thoroughly think over your presentation, providing possible questions and answers to them. Speak confidently and thoroughly. If necessary, be prepared to present all the material in 3-5 minutes, without missing the main points.

how to draw up an abstract