How to teach a child to read

How to teach a child to read
How to teach a child to read

Video: How To Teach A Child To Read - In Two Weeks 2024, July

Video: How To Teach A Child To Read - In Two Weeks 2024, July

The most noticeable quality of any young child is the irrepressible curiosity and thirst for knowledge. And any child loves to play very much. Parents need to use these qualities to teach their children to read.

You will need

  • - cubes with letters;

  • - children's books.

Instruction manual


Start learning with a dice game. When the child understands the connection between the letters and the pictures on the edges of the cube, teach him the game "Show me." While walking, ask: "Show me the item in the letter A." It can be a bus, antenna, asphalt, etc. If you see that the child is bored with the game, switch roles. Let him ask you to show something in this or that letter. It is much more interesting to ask questions than to answer. And let the child draw this letter with chalk on the asphalt. Together with the child, bake cookies in the form of letters, and then invite him to lay out the words from the finished product. Try to make learning fun and interesting so that the kid does not even suspect that he is being taught.


Children are very fond of fairy tales. Start reading to your child from a very young age. Let the book before going to bed become a mandatory attribute. It happens that a child every day demands to read the same tale and listens to it with unflagging interest. Do not try to change the book, even if the previous story bored you. The child was related to the heroes of the fairy tale, and an evening meeting with them resembles a meeting with friends. The kid remembers every word and is indignant if you try to skip a few phrases or somehow change the plot. For him, the unchanging course of events in a familiar story embodies the general stability and immutability of the victory of good over evil. Sooner or later he himself will ask to read another book. The main thing is that the habit of listening to fairy tales and stories becomes a need. It all depends on you.


When you make sure that the child more or less confidently puts the letters into words, ask him for a favor: "I’m cooking dinner now, I don’t have time, but I want to listen to an interesting story. Can you help me? Read some fairy tale so that I have more fun". Be sure to listen with interest as the child reads. If you notice that he is tired, thank you for your help and talk to him about the story you have read. If it was a story about a hare and a fox, you can talk about real forest life and the habits of these animals or about cases from life when people act like a fox or a hare. It is important that the child understands the text read and knows how to discuss it, linking the literary plot with real life.


Continue the evening readings, but now you can interrupt the tale in the most interesting place and say: "I still have some things to do, I can’t read anymore. If you want, read the chapter yourself." Do not force the child to read texts that are too long at once, otherwise he will become tired and lose interest in books. Accustom him to independent reading gradually, but constantly. Be sure to discuss read books together. This will not only expand the vocabulary of the child, teach him to think and analyze, but also give the main joy - spiritual closeness between family members.