How to summarize teacher experience

How to summarize teacher experience
How to summarize teacher experience

Video: Teaching Strategies for Using Summarizing for Comprehension : Reading Lessons 2024, July

Video: Teaching Strategies for Using Summarizing for Comprehension : Reading Lessons 2024, July

Pedagogical experience is an integral characteristic of methods for solving certain pedagogical problems. This method must have certain laws and meet certain conditions. The need for generalization, that is, in understanding the activities of the teacher from a scientific point of view, arises if the teacher has accumulated a large number of methodological developments on this topic.

You will need

  • - methodological developments on the topic;

  • - didactic material and manuals:

  • - photographs and videos illustrating the experience;

  • - a computer with the Internet.

Instruction manual


Identify the grounds that allow you to summarize your pedagogical experience or that of another teacher. For example, you work on a specific authoring program. Briefly describe what kind of program it is, why you took it. Tell us what its basic didactic principles are and how you use them in your work. This is the subject of generalization.


Define the purpose of your work. They can completely repeat the goals of a particular program or correspond to some part of them. If we are talking about your authoring program, indicate in full the tasks that you intend to solve with its help. Tasks are set educational, educational and developing.


Describe the forms of work for this technique. It can be traditional lessons, seminars, excursions, Internet lessons and much more. Forms of work should contribute to the solution of tasks.


Tell us about the results of your work. Use the diagnostic results or the data of an independent student knowledge control system for this. Diagnostics must be carried out both at the beginning of work on this program, and at intermediate stages. There are many methods for its implementation. This can be both traditional written work, and all kinds of tests, and remote diagnostics using the Q & A system.


Analyze how you managed to achieve a positive result. Compare your methods with the methods of your predecessors who worked on this topic. You must also talk about the conditions under which work on this program can be carried out, and about the didactic material that you use.


It may happen that you do not have to represent your pedagogical experience, but evaluate someone else's. Define the criteria by which you will evaluate it. Pay attention to the subject and methods. They must be relevant. The generalization of experience should be a completed methodological development, regardless of volume. Even if the teacher works according to an existing program, he must submit his creative discoveries, whether it is the subject of the lessons or the methods of their conduct. It is necessary that all the provisions be stated in a logical sequence, understandable language and with exact observance of terminology.


Find the most appropriate forms of dissemination of pedagogical experience may be different. The traditional way is to type on a computer and print by attaching images of didactic materials. It is this form that is most often required in preparation for the competitions "Teacher of the Year" and "Educator of the Year". The most interesting and voluminous methodological developments can be published in specialized collections or even in a separate brochure. But nowadays, you can use other ways.


If you think that your work will be of interest to many of your colleagues, create your own website. Place your technique on it, tell us about its features. Share what benefits you used and for what purpose. You can supplement the presentation with photographs and video materials. You can organize a forum and discuss your program on it. A lot of opportunities for sharing experiences give social networks. Organize a group. Hold a webinar. To use for it, in addition to social networks and specialized forums, you can ISQ and Skype.

how to generalize pedagogical experience