How to behave in school

How to behave in school
How to behave in school

Video: School Rules & Positive Behavior | Good and Bad Examples 2024, July

Video: School Rules & Positive Behavior | Good and Bad Examples 2024, July

School attendance is a mandatory element of child development, but it is limited not only to lessons, but also to communication with peers. The behavior within the walls of the educational institution plays an important role for the student, because it forms his personality and social communication skills.

Instruction manual


Respect teachers. This is the first and most important rule. Despite your attitude towards them, try to behave so that you have no complaints. Greet the corridors, do not allow yourself to insult or mock teachers (even behind them).


Do not leave notebooks, textbooks, a pencil case and a diary at home. All this is necessary for training, so try to pack things in a relaxed atmosphere so as not to forget something important.


Take care of yourself in the classroom. Keep silence, follow the course of the lesson, listen to the teacher and complete all tasks. An initiative at this time is only welcome. Feel free to raise your hand if you know the answer to the question or want to go to the board. In no case do not be late, come to class before the bell. You must be at school fifteen minutes before the first lesson.


Turn off the sound on your mobile phone while you are at school. Do not use it unnecessarily.


Do not let too much change. Many students, waiting for a call from the lesson, turn into real rebels. They run along the corridors, demolishing everything and everyone in their path, using foul language and doing other similar things that are not permissible in school. Remember that the changes are for you to take a break from the lessons. Take a quiet walk along the corridor, look into the dining room, chat with friends, but do not try to do too much in ten to fifteen minutes.


Be appropriate for classmates and other students. Fights, bullying, quarrels and bad words addressed to them at school, and beyond, I can become the reason for your exclusion. Make friends and pals, surround yourself with those you are interested in talking to. And then your days at school will be pleasant, not painful.


Keep clean, take care of school property. If you cause any damage to property, your parents will have to pay for the repair or purchase of a new copy, such as a table or chair.


Do not skip classes and do not run away from school until all classes are scheduled. Such behavior will be an occasion to call your parents and discuss with them your location during class.

Useful advice

Keep track of the style of clothing that you choose for school. It is better to adhere to dark tones and formal suits. Bright colors, short skirts and shorts are suitable for walking, but not for visiting an educational institution. Girls should not abuse makeup.

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