How to learn to understand books in 2017

How to learn to understand books in 2017
How to learn to understand books in 2017

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Some books are written in a complex style. Others are poorly perceived due to the large volume. Sometimes after reading a thick book in my head there is little useful information that can change my life. To understand books, you need to love reading and learn useful techniques for working with literature.

Instruction manual


Find a list of books to read. If you have not read for a long time, it is better to arouse interest in reading and increase the load gradually. You can start with the school curriculum. The lists for extracurricular reading offer works by famous writers of various genres.


Make a reading plan. He must be in front of his eyes in order to become part of life. Reading will turn into a habit, and then into a need, but this will happen gradually. First you need to switch to reading from more familiar things. A beautiful list with key dates will encourage action. Set a goal - to achieve a beautiful figure: 100 books. Count achievements, tick off, draw graphs to mentally tune in to victory.


Sign up for the municipal library. You will find most of the books on the list there. Read normal books, do not spoil your eyesight with unnecessary sitting at the computer.


Keep a reading diary. Write out lines that hooked you with something. Mark the date of reading. In a few months you will flip through the diary and perceive the notes differently.


When reading serious books, write out the following information: goals that the author has set for himself; the principles by which he was guided in life; examples of the application of principles. The Australian millionaire Peter Daniels spoke about such reading of books at the seminar "Breaking Out of the Framework of Mediocrity." The more books you work this way, the more you will develop your ability to understand what you read.


Discuss book quotes with friends. To make them memorable, periodically reread the notes. You can show off erudition in the company of friends.


Set a goal - to learn something new. Start with step 1, but now make a plan for reading books related to a narrow topic. Self-training will hone the skills of understanding books.


If you rarely write, you will not be able to improve, so you should constantly practice. You can simply rewrite a couple of pages of text per day from a book. Again, the book should be well-written, and not tabloid consumer goods.

Useful advice

You can talk about anything fascinatingly. But it’s impossible to learn to write about things that are completely uninteresting to you. You can write something by order. But the most interesting texts are obtained when you write something interesting for yourself. Jot down ideas.