How to learn to write an essay

How to learn to write an essay
How to learn to write an essay

Video: How to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question 2024, July

Video: How to write a good essay: Paraphrasing the question 2024, July

Today, every student at a certain point in time has to learn to write an essay. When they just start working with this type of essay, many are scared. However, you should not do this, because there is a certain plan and various recommendations to make writing an essay easier.

Instruction manual


An essay involves the expression of one’s own thoughts and opinions on a given topic. So first you have to direct your thoughts on the chosen topic. Next, you must build a logical chain according to such a plan: - Introduction

- Main part

- Conclusion


In many cases, an essay involves the freedom of thought and their presentation. You can even reflect on why you chose this topic, what you learned new, etc.


Understand the essence of the questions, you can even indicate their chain in the introduction, and open them in the main part. In the first paragraph of your plan, you should reflect on how you understand the essence of the problem, and further, in the main part, you can offer ways to solve them.


Argument your most important statements, give examples from life, literature, television programs, you can recall everything that you talked about in the lessons, in general, there are a lot of examples. The main thing is to express your thoughts beautifully, clearly and clearly. Do not overdo it with complex sentences, where there is a lot of composing and subordinate connection. Remember that a well-written essay is an essay that can be read in one go.


If you are working with an essay based on any text, then indicate the author’s opinion what he thinks about these problems. It does not hurt to evaluate the fine art of the author, for example, what means of expression he uses: epithets, metaphors, antonyms, rhetorical questions, etc.


Use the draft, of course, you don’t need to write all the essays there, write down only the main thoughts that you will reveal more fully. Enter new ideas here so as not to forget some important information. Learning to write an essay is easy, you just need to make a little effort. Well and, of course, keep an eye on the time, because writing an essay has a certain time interval.