How to learn to speak beautifully and interestingly

How to learn to speak beautifully and interestingly
How to learn to speak beautifully and interestingly

Video: How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure 2024, July

Video: How to speak so that people want to listen | Julian Treasure 2024, July

In today's life, oratory can already be safely recorded as an endangered species in the Red Book. Inert tongue is ubiquitous. The general culture of the language is rapidly declining. But the ability to speak beautifully can not only not be lost, but also gained. Although this process, of course, is not fast and requires daily training.

Surprisingly, oratory begins with writing. Keep a diary and write daily about the events that happened to you all day. Do not spray on uninteresting details. Your notes should be capacious and to the point.

To replenish your vocabulary, start using dictionaries. Get a notebook where you will write obscure, unknown words to you. Then write down opposite their meanings and try to remember. Read more literature. She will develop in you the habit of speaking and thinking with the right expressions.

If you learn to speak interestingly, learn jokes. Tell them from memory.

Next, from diary entries you should go to monologues in which you reflect on certain specific topics: sports, political, religious, etc. Record them too.

After that, start work with voice and mirror. Stand in front of him and tell some stories from life or try to retell your monologue. Observe at the same time your facial expressions, gestures, intonation. Remember, with what facial expression you look more convincing, which movements will not distract the listener from your speech, and which, on the contrary, explain what you are talking about. Stop writing in the diary. Record the events of your day on the recorder.

If you manage to develop skills to speak beautifully, start talking with meaning. Highlight the main thing in your speech. Reflecting on a topic, isolate the main idea in it, then begin to develop it, and consistently prove it. Consider how to move from this thought to another so that your speech does not seem illogical. Practice this, and perhaps soon others will talk about you as an interesting interlocutor.