How to learn to write correctly in Russian

How to learn to write correctly in Russian
How to learn to write correctly in Russian

Video: Russian handwriting in block letters: Common mistakes and How to fix them all 2024, July

Video: Russian handwriting in block letters: Common mistakes and How to fix them all 2024, July

Learning to write correctly in Russian is quite difficult, since in our native language the spelling of a word often does not coincide with its phonetic structure. There are also certain difficulties in mastering the punctuation of the Russian language.

Instruction manual


Read more. A rich reading of fiction will allow you to expand your vocabulary, subconsciously remember the spelling of various words and punctuation rules. You will also get some idea of ​​how to logically, connectedly and fascinatingly put your thoughts, a chronicle of events or a description of something on paper. Try to read quality literature, such as Russian classics or contemporary authors, highly regarded by professional critics. Remember that some speech turns and individual words that are found in the works of writers of the XIX century, in our time are outdated and almost out of circulation.


Try to write more. To master something perfectly, you need to practice a lot. Write by hand or print your texts using text editors on your computer. Use caution when using the automatic spell and punctuation feature of Microsoft Word or another editor. The program may consider the word that is missing in its memory or “not know” about some features of the punctuation marks to be erroneous.


Check your texts against the spelling dictionary and books devoted to the grammatical rules of the modern Russian language, for example, D.A. Rosenthal "Spelling and Literary Reference". Do not be lazy to refer to the reference literature if you have doubts about the grammatical correctness of what is written.


Keep a clear text structure. When writing an article, you must follow the following order: introduction, the main content of the text and conclusion and conclusion. The introduction should briefly introduce the reader to the course of affairs, answer the question: what is described in the article. The conclusion summarizes what was stated in the article.


Try to write in a simple, but literary language. Avoid colloquial expressions and slang words. Do not overload the text with unnecessarily bulky constructions and an excessive number of punctuation marks.