How to teach a child to count in the mind

How to teach a child to count in the mind
How to teach a child to count in the mind

Video: How to teach a child to count quickly in the mind 2024, July

Video: How to teach a child to count quickly in the mind 2024, July

The study of oral counting contributes to the development of mental abilities in children. You can teach a child to count in the mind from the age of 4-5. In order for the child to learn oral counting, classes should take place in a fascinating way, since it is easier for him to learn what is interesting to him.

Instruction manual


To teach a child to count in the mind, he first needs to explain the concepts of "more and less." For example, when reading books, you need to ask the child what colors in the picture are more, where fewer trees are painted.


Explain the concept of “equally” to your child. For example, ask a child: “two apples are lying here and two apples are lying here, where are there more apples?”, Let him try to divide any objects equally.


Now you can begin to learn oral addition and subtraction with your child. First, you can show him examples on some objects, such as apples or sweets, so that the child understands the counting mechanism. We need to explain to him that when adding, a large amount is obtained, and when subtracting, a smaller amount is obtained.


Using examples, explain to your child that if you change the terms in places, then the bag will not change. This will help him learn to count in his mind. You can also teach your child to count in the mind with the help of special educational games. It can be special tables with numbers and dots, special cubes or plastic numbers with signs.


Teach your child to count within 10. Show him the results of all possible options for subtraction and addition within this figure. It is possible to go over to double-digit numbers only when the child is normally oriented and does not get confused in subtracting and adding single-digit numbers.


You do not just need to memorize numbers and options; training should take place in a playful way. In this case, the child will consciously remember the numbers and calculation rules, and will also be able to consolidate his knowledge.


You need to regularly deal with the child, but you should not overload him. Explain to your child the order of counting when adding and subtracting, that you first need to see how much was, then how much was added, then how much was.


When moving to two-digit numbers, as well as to multiplication and division, at an older age, also explain to the child the principle of multiplication and division by prime numbers and show him the counting order.

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