How to draw a wall newspaper in math

How to draw a wall newspaper in math
How to draw a wall newspaper in math

Video: Maths Magazine 2024, July

Video: Maths Magazine 2024, July

It’s easy to draw a mathematical wall newspaper. The main thing is to show ingenuity and imagination. The process of creating a newspaper is creative, and therefore it is important not only to take care of the content, but also to pay sufficient attention to its design.

Instruction manual


Initially, you should decide in what format the wall newspaper will be. It can consist only of graphics, or rather, of drawings, or also contain text inserts. Most often, they choose a mixed version, when informative articles resonate with interesting graphic techniques and pictures. First of all, the newspaper should be colorful, well illustrated, articles should be literate and concise. To get started, decide on the theme of the issue. She will have to combine all the articles and figures into one.


A certain requirement should be presented to the design of a wall newspaper in mathematics: the presence of an interesting name and a well-defined concise saying that will become a kind of symbol of the newspaper. This may be an aphorism or a quote from some mathematician or scientist.


The wall newspaper should be as informative as possible. Come up with interesting headings. These may be such names as: “Mathematics and Life”, “Outstanding Mathematicians of the World”, “History of Mathematics”, “Mathematical Poems”, etc. For each section, select pictures that will clearly tell you what mathematics is an interesting subject.


Do not use too much text in articles, otherwise the wall newspaper risks becoming boring and uninteresting for the reader. It is better to apply as many illustrations as possible, for example, puzzles, puzzles or crosswords. Such a game mode of cognition is much more effective than ordinary reading of ordinary text.


As game materials, mathematical puzzles can also be used, which can be easily copied from a textbook and colorfully decorated with felt-tip pens and pencils. The more bright spots there are in a newspaper, the more viewers it will gather. How riddle puzzles can be placed in a newspaper and mathematical problems. Making a rebus is not as difficult as it seems at first glance. You need to take a resolved example and replace some of the numbers with letters, figures or asterisks. Creating a rebus is a creative process, so through imagination you can come up with original puzzles for schoolchildren that will increase their interest in mathematics.

Useful advice

When collecting material for a wall newspaper, make sure that it is interesting for groups of schoolchildren of different ages.