How to write a speech for the defense of a diploma

How to write a speech for the defense of a diploma
How to write a speech for the defense of a diploma

Video: How To Defend Your Thesis? Top 10 Tips For Success 2024, July

Video: How To Defend Your Thesis? Top 10 Tips For Success 2024, July

All the work for the year comes down to a 10-minute presentation, a hundred pages shrinks to four, and confident conclusions become timid murmurs. So it can be with every student who has written a thesis. To make a statement in defense not worse than the work itself, it is worth writing a speech in advance.

Instruction manual


First you will have to re-read your diploma. Calm, relaxed, thoughtful. And mark in the text the most important points. Do not worry about their volume and connectivity for now, just highlight the most important thing.


Combine the selected fragments in one document and re-read the resulting text. Abstract away from the thesis and think about whether it’s clear what you wrote without an appendix. Add the connecting sentences to move from one thought to another. At the same time, do not forget about the audience for which you are preparing a speech. Consider the level of her education: if you have a professor and a doctor of science, do not insert additional explanations into the text, which will not be a revelation for the audience. However, if you explored a narrow topic and as part of the commission teachers who do not specialize in your topic, difficult points should be simplified or supplemented with comments.


Work on the structure of your presentation. Since the protection of the diploma is an official event, there are approximate formulations that are recommended specifically for this situation. It’s worth starting with the phrase “Dear chairman and members of the commission, fellow students and guests! A dissertation on the topic



Next, it should be briefly said about the reasons for choosing a topic, the relevance and novelty of the work, about the object and subject of your research, to name its purpose and tasks that you solved.


Then tell us briefly about the structure and content of the diploma. Start, for example, with the phrase "Thesis consists of introduction, two chapters, conclusion and list of references. In the first chapter, we consider

". At the same time, you should not retell the content in detail. The purpose of your presentation is accessible and at the same time, without losing the depth of your work, to tell you what, for what purpose and by what means you studied, what conclusions you came to. From the most important fragments of the text selected earlier, leave only those which will meet this goal: Pay more attention to the practical part of the work, and from the theoretical mention only what you used and took into account in the practical work.


Re-read the speech again, but this time aloud. Reduce and simplify all phrases on which you stammered. Where in the midst of a phrase your breath is broken, break sentences into shorter ones.


Usually, a diploma student is given 10-15 minutes to speak. Check the time information with the supervisor and reduce the speech so that you can read it calmly and measuredly.


Practice with your loved ones - speak to them and ask about your experience. You can take into account their comments, as well as see how you manage to keep the attention of the audience. End your speech with the phrase "Thank you for your attention. I am ready to answer your questions."