How to write a project review

How to write a project review
How to write a project review

Video: how to write a review paper II how to write a review article II how to write a research paper 2024, July

Video: how to write a review paper II how to write a review article II how to write a research paper 2024, July

A review of a project consisting of two or three pages of text requires a large amount of work. The reviewer should not only quickly familiarize himself with the content of the project, but also divide it into its constituent parts and evaluate each of them individually. As a rule, a project assessment is made up of six points.

Instruction manual


Rate the relevance of the topic of the project a. It should matter not only as a contribution to science, but also as an idea that can be brought to life in modern conditions. Write in the review how high practical significance will be in case of implementation of the development in life.


Mark the novelty of the work. It is important that the creators of the project bring something new to the previously explored area or (which is especially valuable) develop a completely unstudied issue. In the second case, also note the presence or absence of a theoretical base and the ability of the authors of the project to work with a limited number of resources.


Perform an analysis of the main points of the project Note the pros and cons of each of them, evaluate the adequacy of the methods used, the adequacy of the argumentation and the validity of the conclusions. Also calculate the percentage of theoretical and practical parts of the work, draw a conclusion about the rationality of such a distribution depending on the topic of the project.


Pay attention to the depth of the study of the topic and the consistency of the presentation of the material. Support each of your conclusions with arguments and quotes from the work.


Check how well designed the project is, whether it complies with the rules established for this type of research. If there are errors, write down which ones and how significant they are.


Assess the practical relevance of the project. Tell us in what exactly it will manifest itself and in what conditions it will be more rational to use the provided developments.


Make your review in accordance with the rules. As a rule, in such reviews, the name of the project, the names and initials of its authors are indicated on the first line of the sheet. Then, through the indentation, the main text is written, divided in meaning into paragraphs. The surname, initials and position of the reviewer are indicated in the bottom of the last sheet, his signature and the date of preparation of the document are put. If necessary, the signature is certified by the seal of the office of the organization in which the author of the review works.