How to write an order for truancy

How to write an order for truancy
How to write an order for truancy

Video: Module 1: Understanding Chronic Absenteeism 2024, July

Video: Module 1: Understanding Chronic Absenteeism 2024, July

Surely there is not a single student or schoolchild who has never missed classes during his studies. However, a systematic violation of academic discipline may threaten expulsion.

Instruction manual


Check out the Law "On Education", which regulates the questions of expulsion (exclusion) of students from school for absenteeism, if this is a gross violation of the charter of the educational institution of which you are the director. However, if the student is not yet 15 years old, you will not succeed in expelling him from school, even for a systematic violation of discipline.


If a student is already 15 years old and does not have time in 2 or more subjects due to constant absenteeism, then you can dismiss him based on a memo from subject teachers and class teachers.


Call the student to the principal and request to write an explanatory note. If he has a good reason (illness, difficult financial situation of the family, the need to care for a close relative, etc.), then consider transferring him to family education. If there is no good reason and systematic violation of the rules prescribed in the school charter, issue an order for his expulsion, but first familiarize yourself with this decision of the parents of the truant or his guardians.


The order is made on the official letterhead of the institution, indicating the date of entry into force (usually the day after publication) and the grounds for expulsion (memos, repeated disciplinary sanctions). Familiarize yourself with the order of the student, his parents or guardians, the head teacher and the class teacher and send a certified copy of this document to the Department of Education.


If you are the rector of a university, then be guided to expel a negligent student by the charter of the educational institution, which should indicate how many academic hours a student must miss in order to make such a decision. In addition, you must have lecture notes by teachers and the dean of the faculty about violating the charter of the university by this student.


If it is possible to impose only a disciplinary sanction (for the first case of such violations), issue an order to declare reprimand in connection with the admission for no good reason more than, for example, 32 academic hours per semester. In the event of a repeated violation of discipline, receive from the dean a dean a presentation on the expulsion of the student. If there is a good reason, consider giving the student academic leave.


The order for disciplinary action and expulsion is drawn up on the university's official letterhead indicating the date of publication and the grounds for such a decision. Familiarize yourself with the order of a student, vice-rector for academic affairs, dean of the faculty and, if we are talking about a freshman, a curator.