How to write a plan for self-education

How to write a plan for self-education
How to write a plan for self-education

Video: how to self study ๐Ÿ“š a step by step guide 2024, July

Video: how to self study ๐Ÿ“š a step by step guide 2024, July

The teacherโ€™s self-education is one of the ways to improve his professional skills. This activity includes the selection of the topic on which research will be conducted, the preparation of a plan and a phased program of self-development, as well as an analysis of the work performed.

Instruction manual


When choosing a topic for self-education, try to dwell on a question that is familiar to you and is directly related to your practical activities. Usually, the topics of teachers' self-development are discussed and adopted at a meeting of a methodological association or pedagogical council. After the approval of the topic by the school administration, start writing an individual work plan.


Each educational institution develops its own requirements for the preparation of such a plan. However, there are general points that must be reflected in the document. In the introductory part of the plan, indicate the goal (what you plan to achieve as a result of the work on self-development) and several tasks (3-5 basic techniques or steps that will help you achieve the goal). Designate a form of self-education. It can be individual, group, remote, etc.


Then provide information about the groups or classes on the basis of which you will conduct the study. Be sure to indicate the form of work with students (individual, group, experimental, work in a problem group, etc.). The self-development plan can be based both on one form of interaction with students, and on their combination. Next, indicate the methods and techniques of working with the group in the framework of the implementation of the plan of self-development (empirical or practical, creative, problem-searching, etc.).


In the introductory part, write down the intended result of the activity. Here you can also identify the risks that may arise during the implementation of the plan. Complete the introduction by indicating specific timelines for the self-education program. As a rule, it is calculated for a period of one to three academic years.


The main part of an individual self-development plan is usually compiled in a table. It includes stages of activity with a schedule of calendar terms for their implementation; events planned during a single period; the expected results of the work and an indication of the report form for each stage. Reporting information can be issued both in writing (portfolio, diary), and provided in the form of an oral report at a methodological association or conference.

Useful advice

The individual work plan for self-education can be adjusted during the implementation of the program in connection with the circumstances.

Teacher self-education plan
