How to write a review in the thesis

How to write a review in the thesis
How to write a review in the thesis

Video: 2.3 Let's Write: First Lines and Literature Review Of Research Thesis 2024, July

Video: 2.3 Let's Write: First Lines and Literature Review Of Research Thesis 2024, July

When the theoretical part of the thesis has already been written and the necessary research has been carried out, and the laboratory assistant at the department has checked and confirmed the compliance of the design with the requirements, the last jerk before the defense remains - get feedback from your scientific adviser.

You will need

Thesis, analytical skills

Instruction manual


The cap of the review form should contain the name of the educational institution that the student is graduating from and the faculty.


Below you should indicate the surname, name, patronymic of the graduate and the topic of his thesis.


The review is an assessment of the quality level of work in three large sections: - General characteristics of the thesis.

- The nature of the student.

- Testing the results of the study.


Grades of assessment of the quality level: high, medium, low. On the contrary, the criterion is checked in the corresponding column level.


The general characteristic of the thesis involves an assessment of the following criteria: - Justification of the relevance of the topic.

- The consistency and structure of the material.

- Quality review and analysis of the literature.

- The correctness of citations and references to citations from other authors in the text.

- The correctness and validity of the choice of research methods.

- The quality of empirical material.

- The accuracy of processing experimental data.

- The correctness of the formulation of their own conclusions.

- Compliance with the conclusions and conclusions of the purpose and objectives of the thesis.

- The quality of the diploma.


The nature of the student’s activities is evaluated by the following parameters: - Independence of the plan.

- Independence of the study.

- Implementation of the advice of the supervisor.

- Timely completion of tasks of each stage of diploma preparation.

- The level of abilities, skills and abilities to conduct research.

- The activity and initiative of the student.


Testing the results of the study is revealed through the criteria: - The number of scientific conferences, seminars in which the student participated (indicate the number).

- The number of publications on the topic of the study.

- The presence of acts of implementation (yes / no).


The conclusion should contain the final grade of the thesis and the consent (or disagreement) of the supervisor to assign the student the appropriate specialty, as well as his signature and the date of writing the review.


Feedback on the thesis is attached to the diploma and is submitted in writing on a special form.


It may take you several hours to write a review if the student independently worked on the thesis and brought it before the defense for the first time.

  • How to write your own review of the thesis
  • feedback on the thesis sample