How to write a student’s review of practice

How to write a student’s review of practice
How to write a student’s review of practice

Video: How to Write a Paper in a Weekend (By Prof. Pete Carr) 2024, July

Video: How to Write a Paper in a Weekend (By Prof. Pete Carr) 2024, July

All students undergo educational, industrial, and undergraduate practice. Upon completion, you must write a report, fill out the trainee’s diary and provide feedback from the head of the organization where you went through the practice. Requirements for writing a report are usually at the department or in the dean's office. But sometimes a student has to write a review (or description) himself: the head of the practice can ask him about it with the words "I have no time. You write, and I will correct it."

You will need

  • - form of the organization where the practice was completed;

  • - report on the passage of practice;

  • - trainee’s diary.

Instruction manual


There is no single reference sample (and even the title of this document). You can title it "Feedback on the passage of practice", "Feedback-description of the passage of practical training", "Feedback of the head of practice." The text of the review is written in any form, but must be printed on the official letterhead of the organization, which served as the basis for the practice.


At the beginning of his recall, the person responsible for the practice indicates who (your name, group number, faculty and university) did the practice (training, production, or pre-diploma), where (in which department or division of the organization or enterprise) and when (exact dates your stay there).


Next, you need to briefly list your responsibilities, completed tasks and assignments (got acquainted with the structure of the organization, studied regulatory documents, developed a project, etc.). Try to clearly articulate what knowledge, professional skills and abilities you acquired during your practice.


Now we should give the trainee (that is, to himself) a characterization. Usually this part of the review begins with the words “during the time of work he showed himself as

". Indicate your positive business qualities that you believe really showed while working in this company or organization. You can mention the quality of tasks, responsibility, labor discipline, ability to work in a team, etc.


At the end of the recall, the head of practice must indicate what kind of assessment his ward deserves. The printed review must be certified by the signature of the head and seal of the organization. Typically, a student’s review of internships takes no more than one page. Feedback along with other materials on the practice is timely submitted to the graduating department or to the dean's office.

Useful advice

Like any official document, a review of internships implies a business style.

  • Feedback on practice
  • psychologist's review of the practice