How to write a supervisor review on practice

How to write a supervisor review on practice
How to write a supervisor review on practice

Video: Annual Performance Review Best Practices 2024, July

Video: Annual Performance Review Best Practices 2024, July

For many specialties, in order to consolidate theoretical knowledge during training, it is necessary to undergo practice in a state or private organization. At the same time, a leader is assigned to the student from among the employees, who monitors the work performed by the trainee, and then writes a review on past practice. How to draw up this document correctly?

Instruction manual


Start collecting feedback information during practice. Note for yourself the strengths and weaknesses of the student's work, as well as those specific responsibilities that he performed in the organization.


Write a review text. This document does not have a clear form, but there are required elements. First indicate the surname, name and patronymic of the trainee, then the name of your organization, the department where he worked, and the period when the practice took place. You can also indicate the specific position held by the trainee, if applicable to a particular situation.


Next, describe the areas of work in which the trainee participated. For example, a student located in a law firm can take part in the preparation of documents, be present when communicating with lawyers and clients, and so on.


Indicate the specific knowledge that the student has gained in practice. For example, you can write about an engineering student practicing at the plant that he has become familiar with the complex of production processes and gained knowledge about the modern organization of the enterprise.


At the end of the text, give your feedback to the student's work. Appreciate his theoretical knowledge, diligence, desire to learn new things, motivation in work. Also express your opinion on the assessment that the student deserves. In this section, not only praise is acceptable, but also constructive criticism, which will help the future specialist in his professional development.


After the review write your surname, name and patronymic, position and signature. Then the document must be endorsed by the head of the department or organization and certified with a seal. After that, you can transfer the feedback either personally to the student, or to the dean of his educational institution.

Useful advice

Some practice leaders abandon the responsibility of writing the review text to the student himself. It should be noted that this deprives the student of a very important part of the practice - an external assessment of his work. So, if possible, write a review yourself.