How to write a review on a read work

How to write a review on a read work
How to write a review on a read work

Video: How to write a review paper? Learn from the Scratch. Know about benefits of a review. 2024, July

Video: How to write a review paper? Learn from the Scratch. Know about benefits of a review. 2024, July

Many book lovers, before choosing a book, often prefer to first read the reviews of those who have already read this work. Of course, subjective assessment does not give a complete picture of the book. However, a competent and interesting review can both attract and alienate potential readers.

Instruction manual


Focus on factual material. Indicate the author of the work in question, date and place of creation, give a brief historical background about the era. Try to write this block, like the entire review, in a language that is vibrant and understandable to the general public. Even dry biographical facts can be presented in such a way that a potential reader will be interested in a book from the first lines of your review.


Dwell on the main problems on which the author of the work focuses his attention. Try to highlight the key questions posed in the book, and try to conclude whether the answers were given in the end. Imagine what kind of thoughts the writer wanted to come up with.


Consider the protagonist and important supporting characters. In this case, one should not list its main features and describe its character: the reader will easily cope with this task himself. Your goal is to consider the artistic expressiveness of the character of the hero, to define his psychological portrait. If you find parallels with other heroes of famous works of world literature, it is worth noting this allusion.


Focus on the relevance of the work. Consider its place both in modern literature and in your personal reading experience. Since one of the goals of a recall is an expression of a subjective assessment, do not skimp on emotional comments.


Analyze the artistic means and literary techniques with which the writer conveys his thoughts. Language features, structure of phrases, paths and figures of speech, stylistic unity: such characteristics, as a rule, become the main distinguishing features of the writer and most clearly testify to his talent.

Useful advice

If the purpose of your review is to interest and attract potential readers, do not retell the plot. Describe briefly the plot and the main intrigue, leaving the rest of the plot twists and turns in the format of questions.