How to write a certification report

How to write a certification report
How to write a certification report

Video: Report Writing | How to write a Report | Format | Example | Blood Donation Camp 2024, July

Video: Report Writing | How to write a Report | Format | Example | Blood Donation Camp 2024, July

Certification is an important moment of professional activity. It is on its results that the rank or category, and, accordingly, the employee's salary, depends. Many organizations, especially those working in the public sector, also go through this procedure after a certain period of time and must submit a number of documents to the relevant commission. A report is just one of them; in it, the employee or organization must convincingly present their achievements.

You will need

  • - reporting documentation of the enterprise or organization for the desired period;

  • - methodological and scientific developments;

  • - statistics of other organizations of a similar profile for the reporting period;

  • - Photocopies of publications.

Instruction manual


The style appraisal report is not particularly different from any other scientific or methodological work. The sections in it are about the same. For some professions, additional requirements may apply. Learn about this before preparing for certification. As a rule, the head of the enterprise has relevant methodological developments.


Work on the report with a brief summary of yourself. This part should not repeat your autobiography, it applies only to professional activities. Tell us about which university you graduated from, where and when you upgraded your qualifications. Do not be shy and celebrate your professional achievements. Do not forget about scientific publications. Try to do this very shortly. The report itself is small, and information about you should not occupy more than an A4 page printed with a size of 14 at one and a half intervals.


In the second part of the introduction, tell us about your organization. What she does, what tasks she sets for herself, what methods she seeks to solve. Describe the premises, technical equipment, staff qualifications. Tell us in which scientific, industrial, educational or cultural programs your organization participates. Do not forget to mention the victories in the competitions and various diplomas that she received.


In the introduction, you also need to talk about your structural unit. Specify what specific tasks of the production or scientific process it is working on. Describe the facilities of your department and the appliances that you and your colleagues use. Indicate the staff structure and your place in it. Write about the achievements of the unit.


The main part is analytical. She needs facts and figures. They are best taken from the reporting data of the entire organization for the desired period. Based on the actual material, compare the organization’s activities now with how it worked in the previous reporting period. Describe what exactly you did to make your company work better. Support your findings with numbers.


In the main part, you must also compare the work of your organization with similar ones. The necessary statistics can be taken from the official websites of these organizations. Indicate what latest scientific or methodological developments you use and what they gave the result for the work of the entire company.


Tell us about your clients, students, or patients. Describe them by age, gender, level of education. Tell us in detail how you work with them, what services, help, knowledge or skills they receive from you. If you get their feedback on your work, do not forget to say so.


Describe what lectures or consultations you held during the reporting period. For the teacher, this can be advice for parents and the public, for the doctor - lectures on prevention in educational institutions or at enterprises. For an engineer, this can be career guidance classes with schoolchildren, as well as for an office worker. Tell us how you work with trainees and what knowledge they receive in your classes. Answer the question of how you work with novice colleagues and employees with a more modest qualification, what experience you pass on to them and what methods.


The head of the structural unit must also indicate what kind of organizational and methodological work he carries out with the team, how he takes care of the qualifications of his employees. Tell us about the organizational structure of your unit, about what methodological classes you conducted and to which courses you sent employees.


In the final part, summarize the work done. Tell us about your goals so far. Make suggestions for improving the overall organization. Identify the prospects for your work and its improvement. For representatives of different professions, certification is carried out at different intervals and this must be taken into account. Talk only about the reporting period. You will have to hand in a few more documents, and all other information may be indicated in them. On the last page, indicate your last name, first name and patronymic. Sign and date. They should be in the lower right corner, like your signature.


Applications are required for the report. These may be photocopies of your published works. If there are a lot of articles or they are too voluminous, attach excerpts or even just a list with the output data. Make a list of references. It is compiled in the same way as for any other scientific work.