How to write a performance presentation for a teacher

How to write a performance presentation for a teacher
How to write a performance presentation for a teacher

Video: How to start a presentation 2024, July

Video: How to start a presentation 2024, July

A set of documents that a teacher or educator submits for certification usually includes a performance-presentation. It may also be required to participate in various competitions, such as "Teacher of the Year" or "Educator of the Year." It differs from other characteristics primarily in that it is necessary to tell in it why this teacher is worthy of a higher rank or victory in the competition.

You will need

  • - computer with a text editor;

  • - methodological development of the teacher;

  • - information about education, places of work, continuing education courses;

  • - data on participation in methodological associations and creative groups;

  • - data on the publications of the teacher’s work.

Instruction manual


Gather the information you need to characterize the view. They can be taken from the teacher himself. Data on education, place of work, awards are at the clerk or in the personnel department. Information on the activities of methodological associations and creative groups is available in the education department, but you can ask the teacher or educator about this.


Any characteristic begins with an indication of who it is written on, that is, with a surname, name and patronymic. Indicate the year of birth, position and place of work. This is usually written in the "header" of the document and looks something like this: "Description on Ivanov, Ivan Ivanovich, born in 1979, teacher of such and such a subject of school No. 1 of the city N".


Write about the methods by which the teacher works, as well as about his own developments. You can simply mention them in the description; the teacher himself will reveal them in detail in other documents. Evaluate the effectiveness of lessons or classes. Be sure to check if the teacher or tutor develops the manuals on their own. Tell us about where and how he improves his qualifications, how much he strives to do this, whether he uses the latest developments, modern pedagogical technologies in his work.


Describe how well the teacher works with the children's team. Answer the questions whether the teacher or educator is able to interest children. Mention whether there are winners of olympiads, contests, exhibitions among students. Tell us what personal qualities he brings up in students or pupils and how successfully he does it.


Write about the teacher’s relationship with the teaching staff. Here it is necessary to tell whether he enjoys authority, whether experience is transmitted. Indicate the forms of exchange of experience. It can be open lessons, master classes, conferences, presentations and much more. Mention publications, if any.


Mark the teacher’s work with parents. Tell us about the forms of this work. They can be very different, including quite far from traditional parental meetings and individual conversations. These are family clubs, joint trips and trips, open days, a lecture hall for parents. Tell us about the human qualities of a teacher or educator.


At the end of the description, indicate your position, put a signature with the transcript and the date of writing. For an official document, the seal of the institution is also required. If the school or kindergarten has a letterhead with a logo, print the presentation on it.

teacher certification