How to write a testimonial on a student

How to write a testimonial on a student
How to write a testimonial on a student

Video: Testimonial writing 2024, July

Video: Testimonial writing 2024, July

The characteristic in the school is compiled by the class teacher for each student. The purpose of this document is to describe and identify the conformity of the development of the student with his age norms. After that, a conclusion is drawn in which recommendations are given to parents and other teachers on further work with the child.

Instruction manual


The first paragraph of the characteristic is general information about the student: last name, first name, age, class. Then provide information on the physical development of the student as a whole, as well as on the state of the organs of vision, hearing.


The next thing to indicate is family information: complete or incomplete, are there any other minor children? Also describe the living conditions of the family: a private house or apartment, whether the child has a separate room or his own desk, what kind of relations are developing between family members, whether the student receives enough attention from adults.


Describe the behavior of the child in school, indicate what position he occupies in the team: is he respected or not, are there close friends. Is the student active in game and educational activities: often is the initiator of some business or is not self-confident, shy. Point out how relationships develop with other educators: conflicts arise or the student calmly accepts comments.


Then determine the level of development of mental processes: attention, imagination, visual, auditory memory. Specify which type of thinking is better developed: visual-figurative, verbal-logical. Indicate whether the student can establish causal relationships.


Describe the level of development of speech, vocabulary of the child. Can a student correctly express his thoughts, build consistent sentences, draw conclusions.


The next item is an assessment of the level of general educational skills. Indicate whether the student can plan work and exercise self-control. Write about the strong-willed qualities: perseverance, determination, determination, etc.


Identify the dominant type of temperament of the student. In the last paragraph, give recommendations.


Depending on the age of the student and the purpose of writing the characteristics, you can add other points or reveal more specific ones in more detail.