How to write an essay about yourself

How to write an essay about yourself
How to write an essay about yourself

Video: Essay About Myself: Ultimate Writing Guide | EssayPro 2024, July

Video: Essay About Myself: Ultimate Writing Guide | EssayPro 2024, July

An essay is a genre based on observing yourself, your inner feelings. Using the basic rules of its creation, you can draw a fairly accurate self-portrait, which will be interesting not only to the reader, but also to the author himself.

You will need

Pen, notebook

Instruction manual


Find the "reference point". The topic you were thinking about recently, a recollection, an episode from life with which you would like to start a story about yourself.


Write down on a draft all the thoughts that you have in connection with this topic. Do not try to formulate phrases correctly or look for beautiful expressions - just fix the "stream of consciousness".


After a while (20-30 minutes) re-read the notes. Highlight key points in them. This is the basis for your essay. Arrange these fragments as plan items and try changing their sequence. Choose the order that corresponds to the logic of the development of the topic more than others - it can be a chronology or thematic comparison of blocks of text. The main thing is for the reader to understand what comes from and why in your story.


Then work on each block separately: clean up phrases in terms of style, reduce unnecessary and add transitions from one thought to another. Such transitions can be built logically or emotionally and suddenly, but some kind of connection, at least at the emotional level, must be present. Look for custom language, images, and allusions. Use examples from art as "pictures" animating the text.


Re-read the written and listen to your own feelings. Since the essay genre is based on reflection, it is attention to oneself that will help to write a full text.
