How to write a doctoral dissertation yourself

How to write a doctoral dissertation yourself
How to write a doctoral dissertation yourself

Video: How to write your PhD thesis (without going insane) 2024, July

Video: How to write your PhD thesis (without going insane) 2024, July

Doctoral dissertation is the final and most responsible work in scientific activity. Accordingly, the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission (HAC) for doctoral dissertations are much higher than for candidates. What conditions do you need to observe in order to write a dissertation yourself and at a high level?

You will need

  • - research material;

  • - publications in journals certified by the Higher Attestation Commission;

  • - computer;

  • - the ability to correctly express thoughts;

Instruction manual


Properly and clearly state the name and topic of the study. Since it is the name that people who saw it for the first time will evaluate the dissertation, this is very important.


Keep in mind that a dissertation for the degree of Doctor of Science should be a complete and complete study involving new methods and theories developed directly by you.


Briefly and clearly state the goals and objectives of the study, on the basis of which you draw conclusions at the end of the work. These sections are more appropriate and easier to write after writing the results and discussing them.


The total volume of the dissertation (without annexes and references) should be at least 200 pages. A standard format of work consisting of a brief introduction, a review of the literature, materials and research methods, results, their discussion and conclusions is welcome.


Set out the section of materials and methods in more detail, this will allow other groups of researchers to repeat in detail all the experiments in the future. Particularly clearly descriptions of unique methods should be given.


Try to make the text of the main part of the work understandable to a wide circle of readers, and not just your colleagues. Build simple sentences, give decipherments to the used abbreviations, provide the text with links to literature sources and illustrations. A generalization of data in the form of diagrams and tables is welcomed, which greatly simplifies the search for the necessary information in the text.


Since it is difficult to do without new theories in a doctoral dissertation, they must be fully justified and supported by experimental and statistical data, fit into modern paradigms.


In discussing the results, emphasize the scientific and practical significance of the study, give an overall assessment of the results. Describe the prospects and directions for their use.


The conclusions section should be fully consistent with the goals and objectives.

Useful advice

Before starting work on writing the text, it is advisable to have a sufficient number of publications (since 2010 at least 20 have been required) in the journals approved by the Higher Attestation Commission, determine the opponents and the leading organization, the place of defense. The work should correspond to the profile of the scientific council of the organization in which the defense is carried out.

writing a doctoral dissertation