How to write a dissertation on pedagogy

How to write a dissertation on pedagogy
How to write a dissertation on pedagogy

Video: Writing the Methodology chapter in a dissertation 2024, July

Video: Writing the Methodology chapter in a dissertation 2024, July

Modern pedagogical reality requires new campaigns and modern technologies. But for the introduction of innovative developments in the educational process, their scientific recognition is necessary.

You will need

  • - your hypothesis;

  • - consultations of the supervisor;

  • - reference books;

  • - consultations of colleagues.

Instruction manual


The basis of any dissertation is one or more problems. In your practice, you often encounter various difficulties, both methodically and scientifically. If you are sure that you know how to solve painful problems, start writing a scientific work. But first, find out in the information department of your institute whether such works exist. If you know your predecessors, you can take into account their mistakes and improve their approach.


Having familiarized yourself with similar works on the subject, proceed to a more extensive collection of information. Use all the sources available to you (starting with the university library and ending with modern electronic scientific forums). Properly combining tradition and innovation, you will conquer the opponents of both the older and younger generations.


Plan whether the practical or theoretical part of your work will be more meaningful. Naturally, both aspects must be studied and described at a high level. But, if you are a practicing teacher who developed your own methodology, then it will be much more important for a dissertation council to learn about your professional achievements. Therefore, the opponents will attack the practical part in defense.


When writing a dissertation on pedagogy, constantly conduct trial discussions with your colleagues. This will help you initially identify weaknesses in your work and make corrections accordingly.


Summarizing your research, do not overstate the results. Too high statistics will alert the commission.


Follow the strict spelling guidelines approved by your management. Avoid expressive vocabulary and spoken language uncharacteristic of a scientific style.