How to find the ending in a word

How to find the ending in a word
How to find the ending in a word

Video: Learn English Vocabulary Words Ending in -LESS 2024, July

Video: Learn English Vocabulary Words Ending in -LESS 2024, July

The ending is the inflectional morpheme with the help of which various forms of one word are formed. They serve as endings for the connection of words in sentences and phrases and carry a grammatical function. The ability to highlight the ending in a word helps to determine the gender, number, case or face of different parts of speech.

Instruction manual


The ending usually stands after the stem, at the end of the word, and indicates a number, gender, case or person. For example, in the phrase “a whole week”, the endings talk about the accusative case, the feminine gender and the singular, and in the sentence “I kiss” - about 1 person, the singular and the present tense.


In some word forms, after the end, there may be a postfix: "katal-a-si - katal-i-si". Here "-a" and "-i" are mutable morphemes, they are endings, and "-s" is a postfix - it remains unchanged.


Different parts of speech have their own grammatical meanings. In personal pronouns, nouns and numerals, at the end, you can determine the case and number; in participles, adjectives and some pronouns - not only case and number, but also gender; in verbs of the present and future tense, it indicates the person and number, and the past - gender and number. For example, the ending "-a" in the word form "water" expresses the meaning of the feminine, singular, nominative case. And the ending with the "s" in the word "green" speaks of the plural and instrumental case.


The ending can be expressed by a different number of sounds: "window-about-window-ohm." In the first word form, the ending is expressed by one sound “-o”, and in the second two by “-om”.


In a number of word forms, the ending is not expressed by any sounds or letters and is zero. It is found in the declension and subsequent comparison of various forms of one word. For example, "eagle - eagle - eagle." In the word form, “eagle” is the zero ending, which, when parsing a word by its composition, is indicated by the sign of an empty square drawn after the word.


To highlight the ending, you must change the word (decline or conjugate it). The variable part of the word will be the ending: “house-house-a”, “let-y-y-let-it”, “grumble-u-grum-it”.


In Russian, there are words that have no ending. They are called unchangeable ("muffler", "coffee", "cafe"), and also do not have the endings of all participles ("reading", "charter", "conceived") and adverbs ("running", "good", "left")


It is important to distinguish between words with zero endings and non-ending tokens. For example, in the sentences “He looked at us cheerfully” and “Her face was fun” there are related words “fun”. In the first sentence, it is an adverb (looked (how?) Fun), an unchanging part of speech that has no endings. The morpheme "-o" in the dialect is a suffix. And in the second - “fun” - a short adjective (person (what?) Fun), which varies by number and gender. “Faces of fun”, “girl of fun, ” “story of fun, ” therefore “-o” in the word “fun” will be the ending.

The culture of writing. Parsing a word by composition. Ending