How to start writing a dissertation

How to start writing a dissertation
How to start writing a dissertation

Video: How To Write A Dissertation at Undergraduate or Master's Level 2024, July

Video: How To Write A Dissertation at Undergraduate or Master's Level 2024, July

The dissertation is a qualification scientific research that requires theoretical and practical development by the author of the task. The preparation of the dissertation also involves the advanced training of a specialist who, with successful defense, receives the degree of candidate or doctor of science. The quality of the result of the defense largely depends on the start of work on the topic, on the psychological readiness of the author to become a scientist.

You will need

  • - research base;

  • - reflect the practice of work in 1-2 articles.

Instruction manual


Submit and evaluate your idea to write a dissertation as an already implemented project. What is this for you: a dream to get a degree at any cost or an embodiment of an idea that you have been carrying for a long time and are now ready to translate it into activities and describe the results of the study? It is with the second option that there is a chance to work on the topic of research actively and purposefully.


Seek advice from a specialist who can help determine the type of your thinking, your propensity for theoretical reflection or experimental research, and your knowledge of research methods. This will help to more accurately determine the direction of research and the reflection form of the investigated material.


Make a decision on the topic of the dissertation. It can be narrow, specific and reflect the specifics of your practice, and can cover a wide area of ​​scientific knowledge. According to F.A. Cousin, the topics of doctoral dissertations are always wider than those of candidates and masters, the wording of them usually includes 5-8 words; the wording of the topics of the candidate dissertations consists of 10-15 words, because has a refinement in the form of a subtitle and is indicated in brackets (on the material

, For example



Present the selected topic for discussion to the staff of the department, in which the defense of the dissertation is planned in the future. A group of scientists will appreciate both the novelty and the specifics of your future work. Perhaps it is at this stage of the dissertation preparation that the supervisor of studies will be determined for which your topic will be of scientific interest.


Trust your supervisor in developing a work plan for a future dissertation, but also make your own adjustments to the time frame of work. The supervisor is an authoritative scientist in the field of your research, therefore it will help to determine whether the planned work matches the profile of the dissertation council and the specialty in which the defense is planned.


Prepare for publication 1-2 articles reflecting the specifics of your activity on the topic of research. The materials may be purely practical in nature, but already point out the problems that will lead to the relevance of the topic, to possible methods of solving the problem.


Write an application to graduate school (doctoral studies), provide all the information about publications and the supervisor, work plan for dissertations. After passing the entrance exams, begin the specific work of writing the text of the dissertation.


The catalog of already defended dissertations on topics similar in content will help in the correct choice and formulation of the topic.

Useful advice

An ideal option for preparing a dissertation is a prolonged study, which begins in the first courses of study at a university: term paper, graduation work, master's thesis, dissertation for the degree of candidate of science, doctor of science. Each subsequent work may include up to 20% of the text of the previous study. 80% of the text represents the novelty and development of the topic.