How to start a new school year

How to start a new school year
How to start a new school year

Video: how to start your school year strong ✨ 10 things to do asap 2024, July

Video: how to start your school year strong ✨ 10 things to do asap 2024, July

Like all good things, vacations tend to end. And, despite the fact that many guys are looking forward to a new meeting with their friends, buying new things and interesting lessons, very soon their enthusiasm fades. True, if you properly prepare for the new school year, this process can be slightly slowed down.

You will need

Clearly structured daily routine needed for classes stationery, textbooks, clothing.

Instruction manual


Firstly, during the holidays, the school day regimen can go astray. After all, now you do not have to get up early and go to bed early - you can sleep as much as you like, and watch a movie at night or play at least until two at night. A sharp transition to normal mode can negatively affect the health of the child and his mood. Therefore, start helping restore the regime at least two weeks before the start of the school year. Younger schoolchildren are advised to go to bed no later than nine in the evening, because in the morning the child needs to pack up, have breakfast and get to school without unnecessary haste.


During the holidays, the child could well lose his diet. Perhaps during the rest, your child ate breakfast at regular intervals, ate at different times. Now you have to return everything to normal. The child must have breakfast. At least sweet tea and sandwiches with butter and cheese. Porridge and fried eggs are also a good option, but do not forget that a large number of eggs in the diet of a child is also very undesirable. There are usually no problems with vegetables and fruits in September, so do not forget to include them in your child’s diet. In addition, you can give any multivitamin complex - because now you have to spend much more energy.


Of course, do not forget to get everything you need for the new school year: clothes, shoes, stationery, textbooks. It’s better not to put it off for the last couple of days before September first. Two or three weeks before the start of the school year, take a walk with your child to the shops and school bazaars, select everything you need. By the way, preparing for this trip is also worthwhile in advance: to bring a child to school is not a cheap pleasure, so the family budget must bravely endure this event.


Motivate the child. Of course, a lot of guys, starting from second-graders and ending with graduates of universities, promise themselves to "start learning next year." And, despite the fact that few promise to fulfill this promise in the future, it's worth a try.


It is possible that the child over the summer forgot the rules of the road and generally safety rules. This knowledge must be refreshed.

Useful advice

Rest with rest, but do not let the child idle all the holidays. Let him read books on the program, even if not in full, and sometimes you can sit down and solve examples in mathematics over the past year or repeat the rules in the Russian language. This will definitely not be superfluous.

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