How to learn Italian on your own

How to learn Italian on your own
How to learn Italian on your own

Video: How I Learned Italian in 1 Month (9 Unique Ways to Learn a New Language FAST) 2024, July

Video: How I Learned Italian in 1 Month (9 Unique Ways to Learn a New Language FAST) 2024, July

Learning a foreign language on your own is not such an overwhelming task. The main thing is to be patient and find free time. But you need to repeat classes regularly. Otherwise, it will be difficult to achieve success.

You will need

  • - vocabulary;

  • - teaching materials;

  • - video and audio courses;

  • - films with subtitles;

  • - phrasebook.

Instruction manual


To learn Italian on your own, stock up on methodological literature. You will need phrase books, bilingual dictionaries: Russian-Italian and Italian-Russian, - audio and video courses. Phrasebooks will help you learn the most common phrases, polite messages, stable language constructs. With the help of audio and video courses you can understand how speech sounds, what intonation shades it has, where you need to put logical stress, etc. Dictionaries will give you the opportunity to learn vocabulary. But in order for the Italian to obey you, you need to set aside a certain time and set a schedule. For example, according to research by scientists, it is advisable to spend 1.5 hours a day and at least 3 days a week for learning a new language. Divide this time so that you work with the phrase book on one day, on the dictionary and translation on the other, on visual and sound lessons on the third.


Books written in the original language are another way to learn the language. Take for study the work that you know well in Russian. Read the original in Italian and try to translate it, writing out unfamiliar words. Do not be alarmed if at first almost every word seems completely new to you.

Films with subtitles will also help you learn the language. They will teach you how to match the original sound with the spelling of the word. Thus, you can quickly expand your vocabulary.


Find yourself an interlocutor - a native speaker. This can be done via Skype, through social networks, the community of foreigners. Just post an ad explaining why you need a friend for communication and correspondence. The answer is not long in coming. Moreover, you can in turn teach a foreigner the Russian language.


To learn the Italian language yourself, you can also contact the cultural centers or departments established at the embassy or consulate. Some of the employees there are probably Russian speakers, which means that they will be happy to help you learn a new language and tell you in which direction you need to move.


You can also use special student cards to memorize words. Sign the name of each item in your house, write down a transcription (i.e. how to pronounce this word) and stick such notes on the item. So it will be easier for you to learn the simplest words that are often found in everyday life.

Useful advice

If you do not succeed at once, do not despair. Hours of training will do the trick. And after the Italian language you will want to learn some more.

How to learn a foreign language yourself