How to correctly build an independent study of chemistry

How to correctly build an independent study of chemistry
How to correctly build an independent study of chemistry

Video: how to self study 📚 a step by step guide 2024, July

Video: how to self study 📚 a step by step guide 2024, July

Any independent study of the subject requires maximum return and a large number of information sources. Achieving a good result is not easy, but a methodical and well-composed algorithm of actions will help achieve what you want. These rules are also true for chemistry.

You will need

  • - study guides for self-study: books on chemistry, methodological assignments, collections of exercises for self-examination;

  • - Internet, subscription to the library;

  • - notebook and pen;

  • - Office suite Microsoft Office;

Instruction manual


Decide on the area of ​​information that you want to learn. If your basic knowledge is far from perfect, self-study begin with the basics of chemistry (since further material without this knowledge will be simply incomprehensible).


Write down not only examples of problem solving, but also new terms, the meaning of which you can see at any time. A prerequisite for a normal learning process is to take notes of new material. Learn to distinguish the main from the general mass of information, because this is how you optimize the learning process.


Understand the basic algorithm of solutions and create your universal step-by-step instruction for solving problems. Most chemical problems are problems with unambiguously understood initial data, the solution of which must be carried out in the same way and in the same sequence.


Do not neglect outside help. If in solving an incomprehensible question it is impossible to take the advice of an experienced teacher, then resort to the help of thematic Internet pages. As a rule, these sites and forums are visited by the same "self-taught" as you, so they will help to solve the problem or tell other sources of useful information.


Do not miss the topics put by the program, even if in your opinion this topic is not so important. Chemistry is a fairly accurate science, so consistency is first and foremost.


Self-education is self-work, so plan a certain time for daily classes. Remember that you are both a teacher and a reviewer, so excessive indulgences to yourself can result in poorly learned material.

Useful advice

Do not forget to praise yourself. Remember, what you do yourself, many can not do with the help of teachers and an established educational process.