How to be a good economist

How to be a good economist
How to be a good economist

Video: What makes a good economist? 2024, July

Video: What makes a good economist? 2024, July

Despite the constant talk of the market being oversaturated by financiers, representatives of this profession are still among the most sought-after and highly paid specialists. And professionals in this area are still not enough. How to become a good economist?

Instruction manual


Higher education. Long gone are the days when economists could build a successful career only on the basis of secondary education. Today it is necessary to finish a university, or even not one. A high interest in the specialty has generated a high offer: today, the Faculty of Economics is open in every second university. Moreover, far from everywhere they train worthwhile specialists. Many universities that have received a license to train economists basically have almost no economic school: neither their teaching methods, nor the proper staffing. As a result, the graduate receives a “crust” and a very vague idea of ​​the profession. Therefore, graduates from leading universities are especially valued: the Financial University under the Government of the Russian Federation, the Higher School of Economics, Moscow State University, and the Russian Economic University. Plekhanov, GUU, MGIMO and some others.


Practice, practice and practice again. Having work experience increases the attractiveness in the eyes of the employer and the salary of a young specialist several times. Therefore, it makes sense for economist students to think about finding a job in their specialty in 3-4 years. This will allow to accumulate invaluable experience and at the end of the university to become a sought-after specialist.


Further training and self-education. All kinds of trainings, seminars, books and courses that can help work in the work of an economist, these days are countless. You can and should do your education regularly. An MBA course can open up great career prospects, but this program is aimed at specialists with higher education and with at least three years of experience.

Useful advice

There are professions where success can be achieved thanks to talent, connections, personal qualities and a certain amount of luck. This has nothing to do with economists. In this area, they make a career on knowledge, skills and experience.

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